
邮 箱chenxinyi@xmu.edu.cn

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Appl Catal B, ACS Photonics, Solar Energy Mater & Solar Cells, Electrochimica Acta, Chem Mater, Appl Phys Lett, Nano Lett等学术期刊上发表多篇论文、综述及著作章节。主持与参与福建省科技项目、福建省自然科学基金、福建省发改委技术专项、国家自然科学基金等科研项目。主要承担课程有《半导体材料及缺陷》(本科)、《微纳材料现代分析技术》(研究生)等。












Long, D., Liu, J., Chen, H. Y., Liu, P., Zheng, K., Zeng, Y. B., Chen, X. Y.*, Li, S.*, Lu, M*. Electronegative diversity induced localized built-in electric field in a single phased MoSxSeyNz for selectivity-enhanced visible photocatalytic CO2 reduction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 330, 122625 (2023).

Xu, A., Liu, P., Chen, H. Y., Long, D., Lu, M., Chen, X. Y.* A composite graphene aerogel for real-time degradation of low-concentration ozone: The synergetic effect of defects, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 107530 (2022).

Wang, Y. S., Liu, H. W., Liu, P., Lu, W. L., Cui, J. Q., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M*. Energy-efficient synaptic devices based on planar structured h-BN memristor, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 909, 164775 (2022).

Long, D., Liu, J. Bai, L., Yan, L. F., Liu, H. H., Feng, Z. J., Zheng, L. L., Chen, X. Y.*, Li, S.*, Lu, M*. Continuously selective photocatalytic CO2 fixation via controllable S/Se Ratio in a TiO2-MoSxSey dual-excitation heterostructured nanotree, ACS Photonics 7, 3394−3400 (2020).

Liu, H. H., Xu, A., Feng, Z. J., Long, D., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M. pH-dependent fluorescent quenching of graphene oxide quantum dots: Towards hydroxyl, Materials Science & Engineering B 260, 114627 (2020).

Long, D., Peng, J., Liu, H. H., Feng, Z. J., Chen, L., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M*. Graphene oxide discarded solution for high surface area photocatalyst, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 209 (2020) 110446.

Wang, T., Ou, D. H., Liu, H. H., Jiang, S. S., Huang, W. Y., Fang, X. L., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M*. Thermally conductive boron nitride nanosheet composite paper as a flexible printed circuit board, ACS Applied Nano Materials 1, 1705−1712 (2018).

Guo, H. C., Long, D., Zheng, Z. M., Chen, X. Y.*, Ng, A. M. C.*, Lu, M. Defect-enhanced performance of a 3D graphene anode in a lithium-ion battery, Nanotechnology 28, 505402 (2017).

Long, D., Guo, H. C., Cui, J. Q., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M. Rapid etching of carbon fiber induced by noble metal nanoparticles, Materials Letters 197, 45–47 (2017).

Wang, T., Guo, H. C., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M.* Low-temperature thermal reduction of suspended graphene oxide film for electrical sensing of DNA-hybridization, Materials Science and Engineering C, 72, 62–68 (2017).

Chen, X. Y.*, Guo, H. C., Wang, T., Lu, M.*, Wang, T. H. In-situ fabrication of reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/ZnO heterostructure: surface functional groups induced electrical properties, Electrochimica Acta 196, 558 (2016).

Li, Y. F., Lin, B. C., Ge, L. K., Guo, H. C., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M.* Real-time spectroscopic monitoring of photocatalytic activity promoted by graphene in a microfluidic reactor, Scientific Reports 6, 28803 (2016).

Chen, X. Y.*, Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Fong, W. K., Lui, H. F., Surya, C., Cheng, C. C. W., and Kwok, W. M. GaN/MgO/ZnO heterojunction light-emitting diodes, Thin Solid Film 527(1), 303-307 (2013).

Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Hydrothermal treatment of ZnO nanostructures, Thin Solid Films 520(7), 2656-2662 (2012).

Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., Cheah, K. W., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., Nitrogen doped-ZnO/n-GaN heterojunctions, Journal of Applied Physics 109(8), 084330 (2011).

Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Fang, F., Ng, Y. H., Djurišić, A. B., Tam, H. L., Cheah, K. W., Gwo, S., Chan, W. K., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., ZnO nanorod/GaN light-emitting diodes: The origin of yellow and violet emission bands under reverse and forward bias, Journal of Applied Physics 110(9), 094513 (2011).

Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., Chan, W. K., Lui, H. F., Fong, P. W. K., Surya, C., and Cheah, K. W., Effect of doping precursors on the optical properties of Ce-doped ZnO nanorods, Thin Solid Films 520(3), 1125–1130 (2011).

Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Fang, F., Djurišić, A. B., Chan, W. K., Tam, H. L., Cheah, K. W., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., The Influence of the ZnO seed layer on the ZnO nanorod/GaN LEDs, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157(3), H308–H311 (2010).

Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., and Tong, S. Y., Growth of triangular ZnO nanorods by electrodeposition, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157(12), K269–K272 (2010).

Chen, X. Y., Yip, C. T., Fung, M. K., Djurišić, A. B., and Chan, W. K., GaN-nanowire-based dye-sensitized solar cells, Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing 100(1), 15–19 (2010).

Chen, X. Y., Cui, H., LiuP., Yang, G. W. Double-layer hexagonal Fe nanocrystals and magnetism, Chemistry of Materials 20(5), 2035-2038 (2008).

Chen, X. Y., Cui, H., Liu, P., Yang, G. W. Shape-induced ultraviolet absorption of CuO shuttlelike nanoparticles, Applied Physics Letters 90(18), 183118 (2007).

Liu, P. Cao, Y. L., Wang, C. X., Chen, X. Y., Yang, G. W. Micro- and nanocubes of carbon with C(8)-like and blue luminescence, Nano Letters 8(8), 2570-2575 (2008).

Yang, Y. H., Chen. X. Y., Feng, Y., Yang, G. W. Physical mechanism of blue-shift of UV luminescence of a single pencil-like ZnO nanowire, Nano Letters 7(12), 3879-3883 (2007).


[1] Chen, X. Y., Long, D., Cui, J. Q. “Properties of siliconcarbon (CNTs/graphene) hybrid nanoparticles”, in Silicon-Based Hybrid Nanoparticles: Fundamentals, Properties, and Applications (2022).

[2] Djurišić, A. B., Chen, X. Y., Zapien, J. A., Leung, Y. H., Ng, A. M. C. “Optical Properties of Oxide nanoparticles”, in UV-VIS and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization (2013).


Djurišić, A. B., Chen, X. Y., Leung, Y. H. and Ng, A. M. C., ZnO nanostructures: growth, properties and applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(14), 6526-6535 (2012).

Djurišić, A. B., Chen, X. Y., and Leung, Y. H., Recent progress in hydrothermal synthesis of oxide materials, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 6(2), 124-134 (2012).

Djurišić, A. B., Ng, A. M. C., and Chen, X. Y., ZnO nanostructures for optoelectronics: Material properties and device applications, Progress in Quantum Electronics, 34(4), 191-259 (2010).


一种氧化石墨反应原浆连续过滤提纯装置, ZL 201710362794 .X.

一种石墨增强的热塑型导热塑料的制备方法, ZL 201811231357 .5.




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