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San Haisheng


Prof. Dr. Haisheng San (伞海生)

Pen-Tung Sah Institute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology, Xiamen University

Xiamen 361005, Fujian, China

Phone: +86-592-2181340; E-mail:

Academic Qualifications

·     Ph.D. in Materials Physics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China (2006)

· M.Sc. in Materials Physics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China (2003)

· BSc in Electro-mechanical Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, China (1993)

Working Experience (Since 7/1993 – present)

2013-Present     Professor

Pen-Tung Sah Institute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology,

Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China.

2013-2014   Visiting Scholar

                          Department of Micro and Nano Systems Technology

                          Norwegien University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

2008- 2013:     Associate Professor

                         Pen-Tung Sah Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Center

   Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China

2006-2008:      Post Doctor

                       School of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering

Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China

2003-2006:      Visiting Ph.D and Engineer

Microwave Photonics lab

                       Institute of Semiconductor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Cjina

1993-2001:      Assistant

                       Department of Mechanical Engineering

                       Building Materials Industrial School, Lanzhou, Gansu, China

Research Interests/Areas

·       Micro/Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS)

· Sensors and its applications

· Micro/Nano-devices in optics, energy conversion & storage, and RF & THz

· Advanced low-dimensional nano-materials and applications

Selected Projects

1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, “Study on the enhanced betavoltaic effect in wide band-gap TiO2 nanotube arrays and its application in high-efficient isotope microbatteries” under grant no 61574117, 2016-2019, RMB 760,000.

1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, “Study on resonance cavity enhanced emission plasmonic infrared emitter and it's application in 13C-breath test” under grant no 61274120. 2013-2016, RMB 800,000.

2. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, “Investigation of MEMS hybrid vibration energy harvesting technology based on nonlinear mechanical structure” under grant no 51075344, 2011-2013, RMB 400,000.

3. Fujian Province Major Projects on University-Industry Cooperation in Science and Technology under Grant 2013H6023, 2013-2016, RMB 500.000.

4. Industrial and International cooperation project 5 projects with total amount of more than RMB 800,000

Selected Publications  (since 2011 )

1. Peng Zhou, Ranbin Chen, Na Wang, Haisheng San *, Xuyuan Chen, “Reliability design and electro-thermal-optical simulation of bridge-style infrared thermal emitters”, Micromachines, July 2016 (Accepted)

2. Ranbin Chen, Shaoda Zhang, Na Wang, Haisheng San, Xuyuan Chen, “3D-FEM Analysis and Experimental Studies of Silicon Micromachined Thermal Infrared Emitters", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Aug 2016  (Accepted)

3. Changsong Chen, Na Wang, Peng Zhou, Qiang Zhang, Haisheng San*, Kaiying Wang, Xuyuan Chen, “Electrochemically reduced graphene oxide on well-aligned titanium dioxide nanotube arrays for betavoltaic enhancement”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Jun. 2016 (under reviewing)

4. Xiang Wang, Zhiqiang Deng, Haisheng San*, Einar Horvorsen, and Xuyuan Chen, “A compact piezoelectric vibration energy harvester using a semi-active tunable configuration”, 2016, Applied Energy (under reviewing)

5.  Qiang Zhang, Na Wang, Peng Zhou, Changsong Chen, Haisheng San*, Kaiying Wang, Xuyuan Chen, “A betavoltaic microbattery using ZnO nanowires under build in potential difference”, MEMS 2016, Shanghai, China, Jan 24-28, 2016.

6. Qiang Zhang, Ranbin Chen, Haisheng San*, Guohua Liu, Kaiying Wang, “Betavoltaic microbatteries using TiO2 nanotube arrays”. Transducer 2015, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, June 21-25, 2015.

7. Qiang Zhang, Ranbin Chen, Haisheng San*, Guohua Liu, Kaiying Wang, “Betavoltaic effect in titanium dioxide nanotube arrays under build-in potential difference”, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 282(5), pp.529-533, 2015.

8. Yan Li, Yuxi Yu, Haisheng San, Yansong Wang, Qingkai Han, Jiyu Fang, Linan An, “Effect of Thermal Initiator Concentrations on the Structure and Optical Band Gaps of Polyvinylsilazane-derived SiOCN Ceramics”, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Vol.12(5), pp.985–990, 2015.

9. Xiang Wang, Qiang Zhang, Ranbin Chen, Zhiqiang Deng, Haisheng-San, “Radioisotope energy conversion using electrostatic vibrationto-to-electricity converters”, Acta Physica Sinica, Vol. 63(2), 2014.

10. Yuxi Yu, Han Wang, Haisheng San, Jiyu Fang, Linan An, Qingling Fang, “A facile route to construct SiCO nanospheres with tunable sizes”, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Vol.11(4), pp.670-675, 2014.

11. Haisheng San*, Hong Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Yuxi Yu, Xuyuan Chen, “Silicon-glass-based single piezoresistive pressure sensors for harsh environment applications”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.23(7), pp.1-8, 2013.

12. Haisheng San*, Changzheng Li, Xuyuan Chen, Ranbin Chen, Qiang Zhang, “Silicon-Based Micro-Machined Infrared Emitters With a Micro-Bridge and a Self-Heating Membrane Structure”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.25(11), pp.1014-1016, 2013.

13. Haisheng San*, Li, Yan, Song, Zijun, Yu, Yuxi, Chen, Xuyuan, “Self-Packaging Fabrication of Silicon-Glass-Based Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 34(6), pp.789-791, 2013.

14. Yan Li, Yuxi Yu, Haisheng San, Yansong Wang, Linan An, “Wireless passive polymer-derived SiCN ceramic sensor with integrated resonator/antenna”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.103(16), 2013.

15. Haisheng San*, Shulin Yao, Xiang Wang, Zaijun Cheng, Xuyuan Chen, “Design and simulation of GaN based Schottky betavoltaic nuclear micro-battery”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol.80, pp.17-22, 2013.

16. Zaijun Cheng, Xuyuan Chen, Haisheng San*,  Zhihong Feng, Bo Liu, “A high open-circuit voltage gallium nitride betavoltaic microbattery”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.22(7), pp.074011, 2012.

17. Shulin Yao, Zijun Song, Xiang Wang, Haisheng San*, Yuxi Yu, “Design and simulation of betavoltaic battery using large-grain polysilicon”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol.70(10), pp.2388-2394, 2012.

18. Xin Yan, Yanli Zhao, Haisheng San*, Yuxi Yu, Xuyuan Chen, “Mechanical Strength Characterization for Silicon-to-Silicon Direct Bonding”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.105-107, pp. 1662-1665, 2012.

19. Haisheng San*, Zijun Song, Xiang Wang, Yanli Zhao, Yuxi Yu, “Piezoresistive pressure sensors for harsh environments”, Optics and Precision Engineering, Vol.20(03), pp.550-555, 2012.

20. Haisheng San, Zhiqiang Deng, Yuxi Yu, Gang Li, Xuyuan Chen, “Study on dielectric charging in low-stress silicon nitride with the MIS structure for reliable MEMS applications”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 21(12), pp.125019, 2011.

21. Fangqiang Li, Haisheng San*, Changzheng Li, Yan Li, Xuyuan Chen, “MEMS-based plasmon infrared emitter with hexagonal hole arrays perforated in the Al-SiO2-Si structure”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol.21(10), pp.105023(1-7), 2011.

22. Zaijun Cheng, Haisheng San*, Xuyuan Chen, Bo Liu, Zhihong Feng, “Demonstration of a High Open-Circuit Voltage GaN Betavoltaic Microbattery”, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.28(7), pp.078401-4, 2011.

23. Zaijun Cheng, Haisheng San*, Zhihong Feng, Bo Liu, Xuyuan Chen, “High open-circuit voltage betavoltaic cell based on GaN pin homojunction”, Electronics Letters, Vol.47(12), pp.720-721, 2011.
