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Who We Are

We are named for Dr. Pen-Tung Sah (Sa Bendong), whose student donated the funds to create the institution.

Dr. Sa Bendong & Changting Xiamen University  

By Prof. Zheng Daochuan; edited by Prof. Zheng Qiwu

From “Discover Xiamen University” by Bill Brown & Robin Feifei

sabendong.pngDr. Sa Bendong, XMU’s first president after it became a state university, was a famous physist, an international engine expert, a preeminent educationalist, and at 35-year-old China’s youngest university president-but the Anti-Japanese War broke out across China the day after he became president.

Dr. Sa shouldered the burden of moving XMU several hundred miles from the coast of Fujian to mountainous Changting, in Fujian’s far west. Once faculty, students and workers were settled, he labored to lead the university forward under very trying conditions, and by early 1940,our exiled XMU had already won praise as “the most prosperous university east of Calcutta, India”. XMU owed its great progress to Sa Bendong, who paid for it with his life. He literally worked himself to death, dying in 1949 at age 47.

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Who We Are

We are a collection of research faculty, engineering staff and graduate students working in the frontiers of micro-nano devices, new functional materials, and renewable energies. Equipped with a set of world-class design, fabrication, and test facilities, our mission is to build an advanced and distinctive interdisciplinary engineering center in the broad area of micro-nanoscience and technology.

In keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of scientific research, the Pen-TungSahInstitute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology (IMNST)  encompasses a wide range of disciplines at Xiamen University, collecting the university’s leading researchers in such fields as electrical engineering, information and communication engineering, biomedical engineering, material science, and physics.

Currently, IMNST is quipped with competent research faculty, including distinguished professors under various talent programs.