
邮 箱mjguan@xmu.edu.cn

地 址




1. 2003/08-2006/09,香港中文大学,机械及自动化工程系,博士

2. 1999/09-2002/07,厦门大学,机电工程系,硕士

3. 1995/09-1999/07,厦门大学,机电工程系,学士


1. 2016/01-至今,厦门大学,仪器与电气系,副教授

2. 2009/05-2016/01,厦门大学,机电工程系,副教授

3. 2008/10-2009/05,香港中文大学,机械及自动化工程系,副研究员

4. 2006/10-2008/09,香港中文大学,机械及自动化工程系,博士后

5. 2002/08-2003/07,厦门大学,机电工程系,助教


  • 发表论文

(1) Mingjie Guan, Kunpeng Wang, Dazheng Xu, and Wei-Hsin Liao(*), Design and Experimental Investigation of a Low-Voltage Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Nodes, Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 138: 30-37(SCI & EI 收录)

(2) Mingjie Guan, Kunpeng Wang, Qingyuan Zhu, and Wei-Hsin Liao(*), A High Efficiency Boost Converter with MPPT Scheme for Low Voltage Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2016, 45(11): 5514-5520(SCI & EI 收录)

(3) Yang Zhao, Kunpeng Wang, and Mingjie Guan(*), An Adaptive Boost Converter for Low Voltage Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, Ferroelectrics, 2016, 502:1, 107-118 (SCI & EI 收录)

(4) Mingjie Guan, Wei-Hsin Liao(*), Design and Analysis of A Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Rotational Motion System, Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 111: 239-244(SCI & EI 收录)

(5) Qingyuan Zhu, Yuanhui Liu, Huosheng Hu, Liang Hou, and Mingjie Guan(*), Using Wavelet Denoising in Automatic Online Efficiency Estimation of A Hydraulic Excavator, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2017, 39(8): 1262-1270 (SCI & EI 收录)

(6) Mingjie Guan(*), Yingtai Li, and Yang Zhao, A Novel Frequency Tunable Mechanism for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System, Ferroelectrics, 2015, 478(1): 96 - 105 (SCI & EI 收录)

(7) Qingyuan Zhu, Yingtai Li, Yuanqin He, and Mingjie Guan(*), Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting in Automobiles, Ferroelectrics, 2014, 467(1): 33-41(SCI & EI 收录)

(8) Mingjie Guan,Wei-Hsin Liao(*),On the Equivalent Circuit Models of Piezoelectric Ceramics,Ferroelectrics,2009,386(1):77~87(SCI & EI 收录)

(9) Mingjie Guan, Wei-Hsin Liao(*). Characteristics of Energy Storage Devices in Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2008, 19(6):671-680(SCI & EI 收录)

(10) Mingjie Guan, Wei-hsin Liao(*). On the Efficiencies of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuits towards Storage Device Voltages. Smart Materials and Structures, 2007, 16:498-505 (SCI & EI 收录)

(11) Kunpeng Wang,Dazheng Xu,Mingjie Guan(*),Design and analysis of an adaptive boost converter for piezoelectric energy harvester,2nd International Workshop on Materials Engineering and Computer Sciences (IWMECS 2015),Jinan,2015(SCI 收录)

(12) Yang Zhao,Kunpeng Wang,Yingtai Li,Mingjie Guan(*),An improved tunable piezoelectric energy harvesting Structure Based on d33 Mode Coupling,2014 International Conference on on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering,Shenzhen,2014

(13) Mingije Guan,Yingtai Li,Yang Zhao,Study on a Novel Tunable Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Structure,2013 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (ICMIT 2013),Guilin,2013(EI 收录)

(14) Qingyuan Zhu,Mingjie Guan(*),Yuanqin He,Vibration Energy Harvesting in Automobiles to Power Wireless Sensors,Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation 2012,Shenyang,2012(EI 收录)

(15) Qingyuan Zhu,Wenyi Xie,Liang Hou,Ge Gao,Xiaohui Liu,Mingjie Guan(*),The integrated testing system for performance parameters of the Hydraulic excavator,3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2012),Xiamen,2012(EI 收录)

(16) Mingjie Guan, Wei-Hsin Liao. Circuit Modeling and Load Analysis for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, 2007(EI 收录)

(17) Mingjie Guan, Wei-Hsin Liao. On the Energy Storage Devices in Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting. Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 6169, 2006(EI 收录)

(18) Mingjie Guan, Wei-Hsin Liao. Comparative Analysis of Piezoelectric Power Harvesting Circuits for Rechargeable Batteries. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition, 1:243-246, 2005(EI 收录)

(19) 赵扬,徐兵,郑高峰,庄明凤,黄伟伟,关明杰(*),图案化电极的离子聚合物金属复合物扭转特性研究,功能材料,2014,45: 36-39(EI 收录)

(20) 赵扬,李营泰,关明杰(*), 可调频压电俘能结构研究, 压电与声光, 2014, 36(3):428-431

  • 专利及软件著作权

(1) 关明杰,赵扬,李营泰,运用于压电俘能器的调频阵列式压电悬臂梁俘能方法,发明专利,201410220834.3

(2) 关明杰,李营泰,一种旋转式压电悬臂梁俘能器, 发明专利,201410630793.5

(3) 关明杰,王昆鹏,李营泰,带休眠警告功能振动参数监测软件1.0,2015SR198485


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于流致振动的海流能压电发电技术基础研究

2. 厦门大学航院院长基金项目,面向飞机发动机结构的自供电无线健康监测技术与应用

3. 宁德市厦门大学产学研合作项目,分布式驱动平台化物流车轮毂电机驱动系统,

4. 企业项目,自供电式太阳能电池板跟踪系统研究

5. 企业项目,基于压差动力的远程控制自适应水务阀门技术研究

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,电动汽车无线充电机理及关键技术研究

7. 企业项目,全自动高速包装机械关键技术开发

8. 企业项目,光伏并网逆变器工作参数在线无线数据传输技术研究

9. 企业项目,基于多微处理机及共享总线技术的高速包装机械关键技术开发与应用

10. 福建省2011协创中心项目,轮毂驱动平台化物流车底盘研制

11. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,高能效自调频压电俘能技术研究

12. 福建省自然科学基金项目,压电驱动器二维控制在硬盘磁头定位中的应用



2016年发表于《Energy Conversion and Management》的期刊论文被ESI标记为高被引论文

2012年发表于IEEE ICIA2012国际会议的论文获得最佳论文优胜奖

2007年发表于《Smart Materials and Structures》的期刊论文获评美国机械工程师协会(ASME)年度最佳论文

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