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Chen Xinyi

Dr. Xinyi Chen received his PhD degree at the University of Hong Kong in 2013 and is now a full-time assistant professor in Pen-Tung Sah Institute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology at Xiamen University. The current research interest contains the synthesis and optoelectronic properties of carbon based hybrid nanomaterials, focusing on the surface and defects. He has published more than 40 papers in Nano Lett, Appl Phys Lett, Chem Mater, Electrochin Acta, Sci Rep, etc. The h-index is now 15.

Research Highlights

Carbon based hybrid nanomaterials


Optoelectronic properties of materials


Surface and defects



Excellent Master Thesis, SYSU, Department of Education of Guangdong Province, 2009

Selected Publications

Book chapters

Djurišić, A. B., Chen, X. Y., Zapien, J. A., Leung, Y. H., Ng, A. M. C. “Optical Properties of Oxide nanoparticles”, in UV-VIS and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization 2013.


[1]     Djurišić, A. B., Chen, X. Y., Leung, Y. H. and Ng, A. M. C., ZnO nanostructures: growth, properties and applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(14), 6526-6535, 2012.

[2]     Djurišić, A. B., Chen, X. Y., and Leung, Y. H., Recent progress in hydrothermal synthesis of oxide materials, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 6(2), 124-134, 2012.

[3]     Djurišić, A. B., Ng, A. M. C., and Chen, X. Y., ZnO nanostructures for optoelectronics: Material properties and device applications, Progress in Quantum Electronics, 34(4), 191-259, 2010.

Research articles:

[1]     Chen, X. Y.*, Guo, H. C., Wang, T., Lu, M., Wang, T. H. In-situ fabrication of reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/ZnO heterostructure: surface functional groups induced electrical properties, ELectrochimica Acta 196, 558, 2016.

[2]     Li, Y. F., Lin, B. C., Ge, L. K., Guo, H. C., Chen, X. Y.*, Lu, M. Real-time spectroscopic monitoring of photocatalytic activity promoted by graphene in a microfluidic reactor, Scientific Reports 6, 28803, 2016.

[3]     Liu, X., Wang, G., Ng, A., Ng, Y. H., Leung, Y. H., Chen, X. Y., Djurisic, A. B., Ng, A. M. C., Chan, W. K., Zinc oxideprecursor treatment for improving dye-sensitized solar cell efficiency, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 2015, 252(3), 532-537.

[4]     Leung, Y. H., Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Guo, M. Y., Liu, F. Z., Djurišić, A. B. *, Chan, W. K., Shi, X. Q., Van Hove, M. A. Green emission in ZnO nanostructures-Examination of the roles of oxygen and zinc vacancies, Applied Surface Science, 271, 202-209, 2013.

[5]     Chen, X. Y.*, Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Fong, W. K., Lui, H. F., Surya, C., Cheng, C. C. W., and Kwok, W. M. GaN/MgO/ZnO heterojunction light-emitting diodes, Thin Solid Film, 527(1), 303-307, 2013.

[6]     Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Hydrothermal treatment of ZnO nanostructures, Thin Solid Films, 520(7), 2656-2662, 2012.

[7]     Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., Cheah, K. W., Ling, C. C., Chan, W. K., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., Nitrogen doped-ZnO/n-GaN heterojunctions, Journal of Applied Physics, 109(8), 084330, 2011.

[8]     Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Fang, F., Ng, Y. H., Djurišić, A. B., Tam, H. L., Cheah, K. W., Gwo, S., Chan, W. K., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., ZnO nanorod/GaN light-emitting diodes: The origin of yellow and violet emission bands under reverse and forward bias, Journal of Applied Physics, 110(9), 094513, 2011.

[9]     Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., Chan, W. K., Lui, H. F., Fong, P. W. K., Surya, C., and Cheah, K. W., Effect of doping precursors on the optical properties of Ce-doped ZnO nanorods, Thin Solid Films, 520(3), 1125–1130, 2011.

[10]   Chen, X. Y., Ng, A. M. C., Fang, F., Djurišić, A. B., Chan, W. K., Tam, H. L., Cheah, K. W., Fong, P. W. K., Lui, H. F., and Surya, C., The Influence of the ZnO seed layer on the ZnO nanorod/GaN LEDs, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 157(3), H308–H311, 2010.

[11]   Chen, X. Y., Fang, F., Ng, A. M. C., Djurišić, A. B., and Tong, S. Y., Growth of triangular ZnO nanorods by electrodeposition, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 157(12), K269–K272, 2010.

[12]   Chen, X. Y., Yip, C. T., Fung, M. K., Djurišić, A. B., and Chan, W. K., GaN-nanowire-based dye-sensitized solar cells, Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 100(1), 15–19, 2010.

[13]   Liu, P. Cao, Y. L., Wang, C. X., Chen, X. Y., Yang, G. W. Micro- and nanocubes of carbon with C(8)-like and blue luminescence, Nano Letters, 2008, 8(8), 2570-2575.

[14]   Chen, X. Y., Cui, H., LiuP., Yang, G. W. Double-layer hexagonal Fe nanocrystals and magnetism, Chemistry of Materials, 2008, 20(5), 2035-2038.

[15]   Chen, X. Y., Cui, H., Liu, P., Yang, G. W. Shape-induced ultraviolet absorption of CuO shuttlelike nanoparticles, Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90(18), 183118.

[16]    Yang, Y. H., Chen. X. Y., Feng, Y., Yang, G. W. Physical mechanism of blue-shift of UV luminescence of a single pencil-like ZnO nanowire, Nano Letters, 2007, 7(12), 3879-3883.
