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Wu Binghui

Wu Binghui


PhD advisor, National high-level young talent, Outstanding youth of Fujian province


Office Location: B503, Wenxuan Building, Xiang’an campus

Research Areas: chemistry and physics of energy materials, application of functional materials

Education and Working Experience:

2022.08-present   Professor, Pen-Tung Sah Institute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology, Xiamen University

2017.09-2022.07  Associate Professor, Pen-Tung Sah Institute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology, Xiamen University

2017.01-2017.09  Postdoc, Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials, Xiamen University

2013.09-2016.10  Postdoc, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara

2012.09-2013.08  Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University

2006.09-2012.09  PhD., Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University

2002.09-2006.07  B.Sc, Department of Chemistry, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Interests/Areas

1. Energy chemistry and physics

2. Material chemistry and chemical engineering

3. Life physics and chemistry

4. Pioneering research

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Welcome students majoring in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, energy, physics, biology, electronics, mechanical engineering, or other related fields to apply!

Selected Publications (§co-first author; *corresponding author)


Google scholar:

[24] Cheng, F. W.§; Zhan, S. Q.§; Cai, Y. T.; Cao, F.; Dai, X. F.; Xu, R. C.; Yin, J.; Li, J.; Zheng, N. F.*; Wu, B. H.* Interfacial Property Tuning Enables Copper Electrodes in High-Performance n-i-p Perovskite Solar Cells. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 20081-20087.

[23] Huang, X. F.§; Cao, F.§; Zhan, S. Q.; Feng, Q. F.; Zhu, M. S.; Su, Z. H.; Gao, X. Y.; Yin, J.; Li, J.; Zheng, N. F.*; Wu, B. H.* Solvent racing crystallization: Low-solvation dispersion cosolvents for high-quality halide perovskites in photovoltaics. Joule 2023, 7, 1556-1573.

[22] Li, F. Q.§; Huang, X. F.§; Ma, C. Q.; Xue, J. P.; Li, Y.; Kim, D. B.; Yang, H.-S.; Zhang, Y.; Lee, B. R.; Kim, J.; Wu, B. H.*; Park, S. H.* Tailoring the Interface with a Multifunctional Ligand for Highly Efficient and Stable FAPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules. Adv. Sci. 2023, 10, 2301603.

[21] Wang, L. J.§; Xia, F.§; Xu, W. S.; Wang, G. H.; Hong, S. Q.; Cheng, F. W.*; Wu, B. H.*; Zheng, N. F. Antioxidant High-Conductivity Copper Pastes Based on Core–Shell Copper Nanoparticles for Flexible Printed Electronics. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 33, 2215127.

[20] Feng, Q. F.§; Huang, X. F.§; Tang, Z. H.; Hou, Y. L.; Chang, Q.; Nie, S. Q.; Cao, F.; Niu, X. Y.; Yin, J.; Li, J.; Zheng, N. F.; Wu, B. H.* Governing PbI6 Octahedral Frameworks for High-Stability Perovskite Solar Modules. Energy Environ. Sci. 2022, 15 (10), 4404-4413.

[19] Cheng, F. W.§; Cao, F.§; Chen, B. W.; Dai, X. F.; Tang, Z. H.; Sun, Y. F.; Yin, J.; Li, J.; Zheng, N. F.; Wu, B. H.* 85 °C/85%‐Stable n‐i‐p Perovskite Photovoltaics with NiOx Hole Transport Layers Promoted By Perovskite Quantum Dots. Adv. Sci. 2022, 9 (26), 2201573.

[18] Huang, X. F.§; Deng, G. C.§; Zhan, S. Q.§; Cao, F.; Cheng, F. W.; Yin, J.; Li, J.; Wu, B. H.*; Zheng, N. F.* Solvent Gaming Chemistry to Control the Quality of Halide Perovskite Thin Films for Photovoltaics. ACS Cent. Sci. 2022, 8 (7), 1008-1016.

[17] Cao, F.§; Cheng, F. W.§; Huang, X. F.; Dai, X. F.; Tang, Z. H.; Nie, S. Q.; Yin, J.; Li, J.; Zheng, N. F.; Wu, B. H.* Synergistic Effect between NiOx and P3HT Enabling Efficient and Stable Hole Transport Pathways for Regular Perovskite Photovoltaics. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32 (31), 2201423.

[16] Hong, S. Q.§; Liu, C. M.§; Hao, S. Q.§; Fu, W. X.; Peng, J.; Wu, B. H.*; Zheng, N. F. Antioxidant high-conductivity copper paste for low-cost flexible printed electronics. npj Flex. Electron. 2022, 6 (1), 17.

[15] Huang, X. F.§; Cheng, F. W.§; Wu, B. H.*; Zheng, N. F.* Intermediate Chemistry of Halide Perovskites: Origin, Evolution, and Application. J. Phys. Chem. Lett 2022, 13 (7), 1765-1776.

[14] Chen, T. J.*; Liu, Z. Y.; Hu, X. K.; Zhao, G.; Qin, Z. P.; Tosin Aladejana, J.*; Peng, X. F.*; Xie, Y. Q.; Wu, B. H.* Fire-resistant plant fiber sponge enabled by highly thermo-conductive hexagonal boron nitride ink. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 429, 132135.

[13] Chen, R. H.§; Wu, Y. Z.§; Wang, Y. K.; Xu, R. C.; He, R. Q.; Fan, Y. T.; Huang, X. F.; Yin, J.*; Wu, B. H.*; Li, J.*; Zheng, N. F. Crown Ether‐Assisted Growth and Scaling Up of FACsPbI3 Films for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Modules. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31 (11), 2008760.

[12] Cheng, F. W.; He, R. Q.; Nie, S. Q.; Zhang, C. J.; Yin, J.; Li, J.; Zheng, N. F.; Wu, B. H.* Perovskite Quantum Dots as Multifunctional Interlayers in Perovskite Solar Cells with Dopant-Free Organic Hole Transporting Layers. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143(15): 5855-5866.

[11] Li, Z. S.; Wen, X. J.; Chen, F. J.; Zhang, Q. Y.; Zhang, Q. H.; Gu, L.; Cheng, J.; Wu, B. H.*; Zheng, N. F. Hexagonal Nickel as a Highly Durable and Active Catalyst for Hydrogen Evolution. ACS Catal. 2021, 11 (14), 8798-8806.

[10] Huang, X. F.§; Chen, R. H.§; Deng, G. C.; Han, F. M.; Ruan, P. P.; Cheng, F. W.; Yin, J.; Wu, B. H.*; Zheng, N. F.* Methylamine-Dimer-Induced Phase Transition toward MAPbI3 Films and High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Modules. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142(13): 6149-6157.

[9] Chen, R. H.; Cao, J.; Duan, Y.; Hui, Y.; Chuong, T. T.; Ou, D. H.; Han, F. M.; Cheng, F. W.; Huang, X. F.; Wu, B. H.*; Zheng, N. F.* High-Efficiency, Hysteresis-Less, UV-Stable Perovskite Solar Cells with Cascade ZnO-ZnS Electron Transport Layer. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141(1): 541-547.

[8] Zhang, W. Y.; Qin, Q.; Dai, L.; Qin, R. X.; Zhao, X. J.; Chen, X. M.; Ou, D. H.; Chen, J.; Chuong, T. T; Wu, B. H.*; Zheng, N. F.* Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol on Hierarchical Pd/SnO2 Nanosheets with Abundant Pd-O-Sn Interfaces. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57(30), 9475-9479.

[7] Cao, J.*; Lv, X. D.; Zhang, P.; Chuong, T. T; Wu, B. H.*; Feng, X. X.; Shan, C. F.; Liu, J. C.*; Tang, Y.* Plant Sunscreen and Co(II)/(III) Porphyrins for UV-Resistant and Thermally Stable Perovskite Solar Cells: From Natural to Artificial. Adv. Mater. 2018, 30 (27), e1800568.

[6] Song, J. B.§; Wu, B. H.§; Zhou, Z. J.; Zhu, G. Z.; Liu, Y. J.; Yang, Z.; Lin, L. S.; Yu, G. C.; Zhang, F. W.; Zhang, G. F.; Duan, H. W.*; Stucky, G. D.*; Chen, X. Y.* Double-Layered Plasmonic-Magnetic Vesicles by Self-Assembly of Janus Amphiphilic Au-Fe3O4 Nanoparticles. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56(28): 8110-8114.

[5] Wu, B. H.§; Liu, D. Y.§; Mubeen, S.; Chuong, T. T; Moskovits, M.; Stucky, G. D.* Anisotropic Growth of TiO2 onto Gold Nanorods for Plasmon-Enhanced Hydrogen Production from Water Reduction. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138(4): 1114-1117.

[4] Liu, D. Y.§; Peng, X. X.§; Wu, B. H.§; Zheng, X. Y.; Chuong, T. T; Li, J. L.; Sun, S. G.*; Stucky, G. D.* Uniform Concave Polystyrene-Carbon Core-Shell Nanospheres by a Swelling Induced Buckling Process. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137(31): 9772-9775.

[3] Wu, B. H.; Zheng, N. F.* Surface and Interface Control of Noble Metal Nanocrystals for Catalytic and Electrocatalytic Applications[J]. Nano Today, 2013, 8(2): 168-197.

[2] Wu, B. H.; Huang, H. Q.; Yang, J.; Zheng, N. F.*; Fu, G.* Selective hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes catalyzed by amine-capped platinum-cobalt nanocrystals. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51(14): 3440-3443.

[1] Wu, B. H.; Guo, C. Y.; Zheng, N. F.*; Xie, Z. X.; Stucky, G. D.* Nonaqueous production of nanostructured anatase with high-energy facets. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130(51): 17563-17567.
