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Li Jing


Jing LI


Pen-Tung Sah Institute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, P.R. China

(86)  592-2181340(o) /592-2187196 (fax)

Research Interests/Areas

l  Optoelectronic materials and devices

l  Synthesis/Fabrication of Nanostrucutres for energy storage or conversion, e.g. Lithium/Sodium ion batteries, Micro/nano-batteries, Fuel Cells,

l  Plasmonic nanostructures for sensing (SERS) and UV-emission/detection enhancement in wide band-gap semiconductors, e.g. ZnO, GaN.  

l  Solar Cells (Perovskite Solar Cells)

l  FDTD simulations on plasmonic enhanced optical cavities or nanoarrays

l  First principles calculation on lithium/sodium diffusion in batteries.

Working Experience:

06/2001 – Present   Xiamen University, P. R. China --

Professor (08/2014-present)

Associate Professor(08/2010-07/2014)

Assistant Professor (08/2005-07/2010)

Teaching Assistant(09/2002-07/2005)


07/2014-07/2015    Visiting Scholar, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Berkeley, USA.

01/2007-06/2008    Visiting Scholar, Physics Department, Arizona State University, USA.

01/2002-05/2002    Research Assistant, ECE Department, HongKong University of Science and Technology, HongKong

07/1999-01/2000   Internship, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd., Singapore.


09/ 2003 – 06/2009           Department of Physics

Xiamen University, P.R. China (Ph.D)

Major:      Condensed Physics, Semiconductor Material and Devices

07/1999 01/2001        Department of Chemistry,

National University of Singapore /IMRE, Singapore (M.Sc)

Major:    Material Science, Surface chemistry

09/1998 – 05/1999      Department of Chemistry,

Xiamen University, China. (Master candidate)

Major:   Analytical Chemistry, Chemometrics

09/1994 – 07/1998         Department of Chemistry,

                    Xiamen University, China. (B.Sc)

Major:    Analytical Chemistry

Publications in Recent 5 Years:

[1].    Jun Yin,   Hui Qu,   Jing Cao,   Huiling Tai,   Jing Li* and  Nanfeng Zheng*, Vapor-assisted crystallization control toward high performance perovskite photovoltaics with over 18% efficiency in the ambient atmosphere, J. Mater. Chem. A, DOI: 10.1039/C6TA04465D, 2016.

[2].    Jing Cao, Xiaojing Jing (equally first contributed author), Juanzhu Yan, Chengyi Hu, Ruihao Chen, Jun Yin, Jing Li*, and Nanfeng Zheng*, Identifying the Molecular Structures of Intermediates for Optimizing the Fabrication of High-Quality Perovskite Films, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138 (31), pp 9919–9926, 2016.

[3].    Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Zhenguo Wu, Shibo Sun, Xu He, Juntao Li, Libo Zhao, Suntao Wu, Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin, High stability induced by the TiN/Ti interlayer in 3D Si/Ge nanorod arrays as anode in Micro Lithium Ion Battery, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(12), 7806–7810, 2016.

[4].    Jun Yin, Hui Qu, Jing Cao, Jing Li,* and Nanfeng Zheng,*, Light absorption enhancement by embedding submicron scattering TiO2 nanoparticles in perovskite solar cells, RSC Advances, 6, 24596, 2016.

[5].    Yingjian Yu, Chuang Yue, Xionggui Lin, Shibo Sun, Jinping Gu, Xu He, Chuanhui Zhang, Wei Lin, Donghai Lin, Xinli Liao, Binbin Xu, Suntao Wu, Mingsen Zheng,* Jing Li,* Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin, ZIF-8 Cooperating in TiN/Ti/Si Nanorods as Efficient Anodes in Micro-Lithium-Ion-Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 3992-3999, 2016.

[6].    Jing Cao, Shiguang Mo,  Xiaojing Jing,  Jun Yin,  Jing Li and  Nanfeng Zheng*, Trace surface-clean palladium nanosheets as a conductivity enhancer in hole-transporting layers to improve the overall performances of perovskite solar cells, Nanoscale, 8, 3274-3277, 2016.

[7].    Wei Zhang, Jin Xu, Wei Ye, Yang Li, Zhiqiang Qi, Jiangnan Dai, Zhihao Wu, Changqing Chen*, Jun Yin, Jing Li, Hao Jiang and Yanyan Fang*, High-performance AlGaN metal–semiconductor–metal solar-blind ultraviolet photodetectors by localized surface plasmon enhancement,Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 021112, 2015.

[8].    Jun Yin, Jing Cao, Xu He, Shibo Sun, Jing Li*, Nanfeng Zheng,* and Liwei Lin, Improved stability of perovskite solar cells in ambient air by controlling mesoporous layer, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 16860–16866, 2015.

[9].    Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Chuang Yue, Xu He, Hongtao Yang, De-Yin Wu, Min Wu, Junyong Kang, Zhihao Wu* and Jing Li*, Multiple coupling in plasmonic metal/dielectric hollow nanocavity arrays for high sensitive detection, Nanoscale, 7, 13495-13502, 2015.

[10]. Cao, Jing; Liu, Yu-Min; Jing, Xiaojing; Yin, Jun; Li, Jing; Xu, Bin; Tan, Yuan-Zhi; Zheng, Nanfeng, Well-Defined Thiolated Nanographene as Hole-Transporting Material for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar CellsJournal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 10914-10917, 2015.

[11]. Jing Cao, Jun Yin, Shangfu Yuan, Yun Zhao, Jing Li, and Nanfeng Zheng*, Thoils as interfacial modifiers to enhance the performance and stability of perovskite solar cells, Nanoscale, 7, 9443-9447,2015.

[12]. Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Shibo Sun, Xu He, Binbin Chen, Wei Lin, Binbin Xu, Mingsen Zheng, Suntao Wu, Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, and Liwei Lin, High performance 3D Si/Ge Nanorods Array anode buffered by TiN/Ti interlayer for sodium ion batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 1386–1392, 2015. (featured article in frontispiece)

[13]. Yuan Zhong, Chuang Yue, Binbin Chen, Shibo Sun, Mingsen Zheng, Libo Zhao, Suntao Wu, Jing Li*, Junyong Kang, Liwei Lin, Synthetic preparation of novel 3D Si/TiO2-Ti2O3 composite nanorod arrays as anode in lithium ion batteries, RSC Advances, 5, 37399–37404, 2015.

[14]. Shibo Sun, Chuang Yue, Jun Yin, Binbin Chen, Mingsen Zheng, Suntao Wu, Jing Li*, Junyong Kang and Liwei Lin. An air-stable sandwiched Li3PO4/Ge solid electrolyte for thin film lithium ion batteries, Science Letter, 4: 174, 2015.

[15]. Yashu Zang, Jun Yin, Xu He, Chuang Yue, Zhiming Wu, Jing Li,* and Junyong Kang*, Plasmonic enhanced self-cleaning activity on asymmetric Ag/ZnO SERS substrates under ultraviolet and visible irradiation, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2 (21), 7747 – 7753, 2014. (featured article in front cover page)

[16]. Yingjian Yu, Chuang Yue, Shibo Sun, Wei Lin, Hang Su, Binbin Xu, Juntao Li, Suntao Wu, Jing Li*, and Junyong Kang, The Effects of Different Core-Shell Structures on Electrochemical Performances of  Si-Ge Nanorod Arrays as Anodes for Micro-Lithium Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6(8), 5884-5890, 2014.

[17]. Jun Yin , Yang Li , Shengchang Chen , Jing Li , * Junyong Kang , Wei Li , Peng Jin , Yonghai Chen , Zhihao Wu , * Jiangnan Dai , Yanyan Fang , and Changqing Chen, Surface Plasmon enhanced hot exciton emission in deep UV emitting AlGaN multiple quantum wells, Advanced Optical Material, 2(5), 451–458, 2014. (featured article in frontispiece)

[18].       Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Binbin Xu, Shuping Li, Junyong Kang, Yanyan Fang, Zhihao Wu* and Jing Li*, Multipole plasmon resonances in self-assembled metal hollow nanosphere arrays, Nanoscale , 6(8), 3934-3940, 2014.

[19].       Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, ZhenGuo Wu, Xu He, JianYuan Wang, JunTao Li, Cheng Li, Suntao Wu, Jing Li*, and Junyong Kang, Enhanced reversible Lithium storage in Germanium nano-island coated 3D hexagonal bottle-like Si nanorod arrays , Nanoscale, 6 (3), 1817 – 1822, 2014.

[20].       Chuang Yue, Jing Li* and Junyong Kang, Fabrication of the hexagonal Si Nanorod arrays using the template of Polystyrene nanosphere in monolayer dispersion, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 228(1),40-45, 2014.

[21].       Xu He, Chuang Yue, Yashu Zang, Jun Yin, Shibo Sun, Jing Li* and Junyong Kang,  Multi hot spots configuration on urchin-like Ag nanoparticle/ZnO hollow nanosphere arrays for high sensitive SERS, J. Mater. Chem. A, 1(47), 15010-15015, 2013.

[22].       Jing Li*, Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Ying-San Chui, Jun Yin, Zhenguo Wu, Chundong Wang, Yashu Zang, Wei Lin, Juntao Li, Suntao Wu and Qihui Wu, Si/Ge core-shell nanoarrays as the anode material for 3D lithium ion batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 1(45), 14344-14349, 2013.

[23].       Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Chuang Yue, Xu He, Jing Li,* Zhihao Wu* and Yanyan Fang, Self-assembled hollow nanosphere arrays used as low Q whispering gallery mode resonators on thin film solar cells for light trapping, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 16874-16882, 2013.

[24].       Chuang Yue, Yingjian Yu, Jun Yin, Tailun Wong, Yashu Zang, Jing Li*, and Junyong Kang, Fabrication of 3D hexagonal bottle-like Si/SnO2core/shell nanorod arrays as anode material in on chip micro-Lithium-ion-batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 1 (27), 7896 – 7904, 2013. (featured article in back cover-letter).

[25].       Jun Yin, Chuang Yue, Yashu Zang, Ching-Hsueh Chiu, Jinchai Li, Hao-Chung Kuo, Zhihao Wu*, Jing Li*, Yanyan Fang and Changqing Chen, Effect of the Surface-Plasmon- Exciton coupling and charge transfer process on the photoluminescence of metal-semiconductor nanostructures, Nanoscale, 5 (10), 4436 – 4442, 2013.

[26].       Yashu Zang, Xu He, Jing Li*, Jun Yin, Kongyi Li, Chuang Yue, Zhiming Wu, Suntao Wu and Junyong Kang*, The band edge emission enhancement by quadrupole surface plasmon-exciton coupling using direct-contact Ag/ZnO nanospheres, Nanoscale, 5(2), 574-580, 2013.

[27].       Jun Yin, Yashu Zang, Chuang Yue, Zhiming Wu, Suntao Wu, Jing Li*, and Zhihao wu*, Ag nanoparticle/ZnO hollow nanosphere arrays: large scale synthesis and surface plasmon resonance effect induced Raman scattering enhancement, J. Mater. Chem., 22(16), 7902–79092012.

[28].       Yiyan Cao, Zhiming Wu*, Jianchao Ni, Waseem A. Bhutto, Jing Li, Shuping Li, Kai Huang, and Junyong Kang, Type-II Core/Shell Nanowire Heterostructures and Their Photovoltaic Applications, Nano-Micro Letters, 4(3), 135-141, 2012.

[29].       Jianchao Ni, Zhiming Wu*, Xiangan Lin, Jinjian Zheng; Shuping Li, Jing Li, Junyong Kang*, Band Engineering of Type-II ZnO/ZnSe Heterostructures for Solar Cell Applications, J. Mater. Research, 27(4), 730-733, 2012.

Patents issued:

[1].  Jing Li, Chuang Yue and Suntao Wu, A type of Si-based three dimentional nano electrode structure in micro-batteries, Application Date: Mar. 27, 2013, Chinese Patent No.: 201310101495.2, Issued on Mar. 09, 2016 ;

[2].  Jing Li, Jun Yin, Chuang Yue, Yashu Zang and Xu He, A type of fabrication process for ZnO spherical hollow structure nanoarrays,  Application Date: Jan. 14, 2013, Chinese Patent No.:201310012724.3, Issued on Mar. 02, 2016;

[3].  Can Zhong, Fan Lin, Jing Li, Suntao Wu, and Zhongzi Luo, An anti-stripping  lithography method in IC processing, Chinese Patent No.: ZL 200510 048367.1 [P], Issued on Nov. 26, 2008.
